Trying Something New in the New Year

Recently, I was inspired when my British artist friend Kate Green, showed the concertina sketchbook she painted in a course. Though not planning to take a course, I was intrigued, ah! I have a stretch of tables side by side in my studio that would fit a concertina nicely, so I ordered one.

After I hauled my supplies to my studio, I spread the concertina sketchbook out, but all those tables could only hold about half of it at a time.

My goal was to paint simply for the joy of it, for the joy of the Lord, but where to start? I’d added a new “art supply,” my morning tea bag—this time black tea. I enjoyed squeezing little splashes of tea from the tea bag onto the paper, making rich brown spots rather than black—probably enhanced by the cinnamon and other sweet spices in the teabag. Lines and splashes of calligraphy ink and India ink.

While the tea, and violet ink lines dried, I opened a wonderful book by Cageless Birds called Cultivate, full of art and writing prompts (and art and writing). I thought I was picking up where I left off but later realized I had opened to a different part of the book. It wasn’t random but apparently intended by God. The prompt asked, “Of anywhere in the world, where would I like to meet Jesus today? Step into your imagination…Let Jesus meet you there.” (No. 7, p 50 Phyllis Unkefer) Just what I needed.

The beach. I’ve long felt closest to God when I’m at a beach. The expansiveness of the sea stretching to the horizon speaks to me of the majesty of God. In my imagination, Jesus met me at the beach. I listened to the sound of waves on Spotify, and painted the waves as we “walked,” picking up shells along the way, sometimes talking, sometimes quiet. I painted the beach in watercolor and different types of ink, to the end of the table--half my concertina sketchbook. It felt abundant to give that much paper to the painting.

Freeing. After several hours of painting and reading and praying while layers dried, I was refreshed. I came away knowing in a new way, that I’m loved by God.

I’m eager to get back to my studio for more layers. Will they be beach related? Maybe. I’ll tell you about it soon.